Change the world
Unit for Positive Organisations
The Nelson Mandela University Unit for Positive Organisations (UPO), located within the School of Industrial Psychology and Human Resources, has a long history of development and change since its inception as the Industrial Relations Unit in 1981.
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The Unit falls under the leadership of Professor Amanda Werner, The Director of the School of Industrial Psychology and Human Resources. Amanda is supported by a team of dedicated administrators and academics from the School.
In today’s ever-evolving global economy and ever-shifting learning communities, it is imperative that academic institutions are not only in sync with other academic institutions and scholars, but also the communities and business communities they operate in.
The Positive Business Project (PBP) is an annual student and industry initiative presented by the UPO aimed at identifying, studying, celebrating, and spreading positive business in organisations of all types.
The Nelson Mandela University UPO values research and development and is thus committed to dedicating our time to research initiatives aimed at developing positive leaders, their organisations and employees.
The UPO is proud to present continuous short learning development programmes for Nelson Mandela University students, employees of Nelson Mandela University and industry.
Prof Amanda Werner
Nelson Mandela University
Phone: 041 504 4581